Secondhand Website and Mobile Manual
and Automation Projects

In this project, i am doing manual and automation testing of the secondhand website and mobile app. Secondhand is an ecommerce website to buy or sell a second-hand items from the people, made by Binar Academy for practice use only. In this website and aplication, the user can be both a buyer or seller. As a seller, user can do add, edit, update and delete the products that they want to sell. And if another user is interested in their product, the buyer can make an offering price. And the seller can decide to take or not the offer. If the seller has agree with the price offering, the seller can accept that and then call the buyer via WhatsApp. And if not, the seller can deny the offer.

For manual testing, I create a test scenario and test case from the flow Secondhand of the website and application using google spreadsheet. I also made a bug report from the bug that I found on the website and app. Then, I am doing Performance testing using Jmeter, And API testing using Postman. After that I create automation script using Katalon Studio tool.

Test Case and Scenario

I have made a Test Case and Scenario of the Secondhand website and application using Google spreadsheet. For the test case and scenario document, in general they contain several pieces of information like:

  • Scenario ID
  • Test Case ID
  • Function/Test Scenario Name
  • Test Condition
  • Test Case and Test Case Description
  • Steps and Step Description
  • Actual and Exected Result
  • Pre-condition
You can see my Test Scenario/Case document of the website here and for the mobile here here.

Bug Reports

In this Website, I also find bugs while testing it. As a QA, I must find as many bugs as possible in the development environment before it goes to production. After i find a bug, then i must make a bug report document and give that to the developer team for fixing. For bug report document, there is some information that needs to be conveyed, such as :

  • Title
  • Date/Time
  • Description
  • Reproduce Step
  • Attachment Evidence Picture
  • Severity and Priority
  • Reporter
  • Assignee
You can see some bug report i made below. I still need to improve my ability to find bugs and how to convey them in making bug reporting.

API Testing

For API testing, i use Postman tools to testing the API of the websites and application. I collect the API request of Secondhand websites from documentation here. Then I add the request API from the documentation into Postman. I also use a randomizer to generate random name, email, product name etc for the request body. So I don't need to repeat changed it manually. You can see the video below when i checking and running all the collection.

After Running all the collection, i create the report summary from the API using newman and HTMLEXTRA. You can see the report from previous running for API secondhand website here. and for API mobile app here.

Performance Testing

For the performance test, I use Jmeter tools. In this test, I make 20 Number of Threads, Ramp-up periode in 1 second and Loop count for 10 times. This is a provision that has been made by the Binar Academy You can see my website and mobile jmx file here. This is an example of what the Jmeter and the reports looks like.

Automation Testing

After i do a manual testing, then i made the automation testing using Katalon Studio Tools. I saved the project on my local PC and in the Gitlab repository. I create the automation script using gherkin syntax and groovy language. This automation is based on test case and scenario I made before. You can see my katalon project repository from website automation here, and for the mobile here, and this is the example of the katalon report automation here.
This video below i will run an add new product feature in katalon studio.